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Get the help you need, When you need it

1 h
140 Australian dollars
Hawkesbury Road

Service Description

I would love to see you at a time that works for you. With the hectic schedules we are all on, flexibility is my aim. If the time you need isn't available, give me a call and we can work something out. Can't get to my office? I am happy to consult with you over any miriad of video conferencing methods. If you need me to come to you, we will need to bill the door to door travel time at an hourly rate

Cancellation Policy

For a full refund please ensure you cancel or reschedule at LEAST 24 hours prior. This will ensure we can utilise that time slot for someone else who might really need it!

Contact Details

  • 163-171 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead NSW, Australia

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